Design Thinking Do’s and Don’ts

Design Thinking is widely adopted & often misunderstood. These expert designers sort the gold nuggets from the snake oil.

Amy Jo Kim


Have you ever imagined what life would be like if you’d chosen a different career path?

I have. In my dreams, I’m a talk show host — sparking nerdy design conversations with the most brilliant, insightful, hilarious people I know.

This week on Game Thinking TV — THE DREAM IS REAL 🥰💥

I’ve brought together three world-class design experts:

We sat down to explore the ins and outs of Design Thinking and BOY did we have fun.

If you’re familiar with Design Thinking or Design Sprints, you’ll get a huge kick out of this — and maybe even learn something new — like where the term “snake oil” came from, and why that makes it EXACTLY the right description for Design Sprints 😄

This episode is filled with SO many golden nuggets that we put together a Cheat Sheet to help you apply these ideas to your own work 🚀🚀🚀


Happy viewing! And afterwards — tell me what you think about these “strongly held opinions” in the comments, OK?

